This is the biggest project we have ever undertaken and it is going better than we could reforestationhave hoped. A total of 46 hectares (100 acres) of land has now been bought and planted with a total of 85,000 trees. They are growing well and year ten (we are now in year four) we will have planted five species and over 150,000 trees. By then 10,000 trees will be harvested and planked annually, producing an income of up to £80,000. By replanting immediately after harvest we ensure this project will provide a sustainable income for the Children’s Home at Tanjomoha of at least a third of their annual running costs. We are very grateful to Gavin Lonergan and the Adsum Foundation for committing to support this venture in the coming years. This project is also providing work for 13 full-time employees, and 120 part time employees during the planting season. In addition we are also going to plant trees that grow more slowly (over 100’s of years) and which will not be harvested, to try to help the environment. Further information here.

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