Welcome to
TASC Madagascar
Charity No. 1130610
TASC Madagascar is a small registered charity supporting some of the poorest communities in South East Madagascar. Many of those we support are the most disadvantaged and marginalised people in one of the world’s poorest nations. They only exist by living hand to mouth on a daily basis.
TASC Madagascar has concentrated its efforts over the last 20 years by helping a number of small communities supported by Foyer Tanjomoha and our friend Pere Emeric.
TASC Madagascar also support many of the poor living in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar’s second largest city, as well as helping a number of Leprosy and Outcast Villages.

We believe that in order to help individuals and communities restore dignity to their lives it is important they have ownership of the support we are able to offer. We have learnt through the years always to ask the question, “how can we help you”.
TASC Madagascar is non-religious and non-political charity.
Our overheads are kept to a bare minimum, only ever taking out reasonable expenses allowing 98% of all monies raised to go to projects supporting education, clean water and sanitation. We also support reforestation, vegetable farming, family support and emergency relief. We support equal rights and opportunities for communities isolated and stigmatised by old superstitions and racism.

How we work
The Trustees and the TASC Madagascar supporter network have been visiting Madagascar every year for over 20 years and have formed bonds of friendship and love with a wide community of different peoples, tribes and the poorest of the poor. TASC Madagascar aim is to enable people to help themselves out of poverty by providing the help and support they need.
We work under the guidance of a remarkable French Man – Pere Emeric of Foyer Tanjomoha, and his community of Malagasy professionals and volunteers. They support a very large community of children and young adults with a variety of disabilities. We also work in partnership with Feedback Madagascar and The Adsum Foundation both based in Madagascar with our shared focus on education and community development.
Our fundamental goal is to help by listening to local communities and responding to their expressed need for help. All our varied projects help the people of Madagascar to improve their future prospects through providing opportunities for sustainable work, education, learning with a deep respect for their environment and their communities.
Our Latest News
Mivoatsa Project Progress Report
Download the PDF HERE
Read the TASC January 2022 Newsletter
Download a copy of the TASC Madagascar January 2022 Newsletter by clicking on the image below......
Introducing Vola…
TASC would like to introduce you to VOLA who is 12 year’s old. Vola has been handicapped since she...
TASC Stands for ‘Tossing a Starfish Charity’ and comes from a parable that epitomises our ethos…
I was walking along the beach one day. I saw a man bending over picking up starfish and he was throwing them back into the sea.
I asked him “Why are you throwing those starfish back into the sea?”
He replied “The tide is going out, the sun is hot, and if I don’t, they will die here”
I asked him why he was doing this; “The few he threw back wouldn’t make any difference”
The man paused with a starfish in his hand. He looked at it, and then he tossed the starfish out to sea and said, “I have made a difference to that one”
All photos used on this website are used with full permission of the subjects and TASC Madagasgar are the rights owners.